Measurers Corner

Sail Inventory Registry Index

Shields Class Rule

Each Registered yacht must maintain a Sail Inventory record listed by acquisition date, sailmaker and type. Each sail used or carried as a backup in a sanctioned race shall be recorded into the Shields Class website as directed by the National Measurer.


View Yacht’s Sail Inventory
Select yacht by number from the Yachts with Sail Inventory table on this page. Note that if a yacht is not listed then its inventory is not registered.
Add Sail(s) to Yacht’s Sail Inventory
Log-in using your membership email and password and select the yacht to update from the Yachts with Sail Inventory table on this page. Note that only owners or measurers can add sails. When logged-in you may indicate your ownership.
Initialize Yacht’s Sail Inventory
Log-in using your membership email and password. When logged-in select the yacht to be initialized for sail inventory from the Yachts without Sail Inventory dropdown and update her information.

Yachts without Sail Inventory

Remove or Correct Sail Inventory
Sails added to the sail registry by design cannot be deleted and are carried forward from owner to owner. If there are errors in the sail inventory registry the errors can only be corrected by emailing the webmaster with the details.

Yachts with Sail Inventory

1 Columbia9Newport, RI
6 Anduril10Marion, MA
7 Rip19Mystic, CT
8 Undertaker III8Edgartown, MA
11 Apollo9Portsmouth, RI
14 Vindex9Newport, RI
15 Icea0Newport, RI
17 Weetamoe9Newport, RI
18 Meridian22Daniel Island, SC
20 Mischief5Oyster Bay, NY
23 Rascal1Larchmont, NY
25 Checkmate1Larchmont, NY
26 Tango1Larchmont, NY
29 Silverheels17Newport, RI
33 Maverick9Newport, RI
35 Dragonfly21Oxford, MD
39 Defiance9Newport, RI
41 Havoc1Larchmont, NY
45 Redemption3Chicago, IL
49 Uprising1LYC
58 Undertaker II0Marion, MA
59 Jade9Newport, RI
64 Pearl19Mystic, CT
67 Trouble3Chicago, IL
70 Coquetta1Larchmont, NY
71 Old Paint21Oxford,Md
73 Black Pearl21Oxford, MD
74 Karaselet9Newport, RI
79 Rebel19Mystic, CT
80 Wizard9North Kingston, RI
83 Teaser5Oyster Bay, NY
86 Tango21Oxford, Maryland
87 Avatar5Oyster Bay, NY
88 Peanut3Chicago, IL
93 Compradore0
94 Charlotte12Monterey, CA
96 October12Monterey, CA
98 Intrepid21Oxford, MD
101 Isla9Newport, RI
103 Stillwater7Monterey, CA
105 pomme9Newport, RI
106 Lady1Larchmont, NY
107 Grace9Newport, RI
108 Coffee Grinder9Newport, RI
110 Liberty21Oxford, MD
114 Sophie9Mystic, CT
121 Mahi9Newport, RI
130 Sapphire3Chicago, IL
133 Shenanigans21The Strand
138 Envy9Newport, RI
139 Delaplaine7Monterey, CA
140 Gang Agley10Marion, MA
142 Intime1Larchmont, NY
143 Folly9Middletoen, RI
145 0
149 Merlin21Oxford, MD
150 Yankee Girl0Southport, ME
151 Meander9Newport, RI
156 Bomba Charger9Newport, RI
158 Glory9Newport, RI
160 Diversion9Newport, R.I.
161 Harriet7Monterey
163 Ann9Newport, RI
164 Angela17Newport, RI
166 Tantrum9Newport, RI
169 Serine9Newport, RI
176 Katherine1Larchmont, NY
180 Seagull21Oxford, MD
181 Helen9Newport, RI
182 Lure1Larchmont, NY
186 Barbara18Holland, MI
187 Yankee12Monterey, California
191 Tiburon12Monterey
192 Medora7Monterey Bay, CA
195 Winona4Gloucester, MA
196 Insidious3Chicago, IL
200 Centaur9Newport, RI
201 Hope9Newport, RI
203 Chief9Newport, RI
205 Nemesis2Greenwich, CT
207 Circe11Bridgeport CT
209 Rolly0Pebble Beach
217 John Dory9Newport,RI
219 Deja Vu8Edgartown, MA
220 Phoenix1Larchmont, NY
221 Cornelia9Newport, RI
222 Loyalty9Newport, RI
223 Aileen10Marion, MA
224 Virginia9Newport, RI
225 Sensation21Oxford, MD
226 Ultimate Pressure II9Newport, RI
231 Mermaid1Larchmont Yacht Club
235 Harrier10Marion, MA
237 Bit~O~Honey10Marion, MA
238 White Rabbit10Marion, MA
239 Syrinx10Marion, MA
244 Nuts10Marion, MA
245 Hawk9Newport, RI
246 Vivo5Oyster Bay, NY
247 Kiskadee10Marion, MA
248 The Grinch10Marion, MA
249 Robin9Newport, RI
253 Q&A9Newport, RI
254 Aeolus9Jamestown, RI
255 Freedom21Tred Avon Yacht Club
256 ANIA4Manchester, MA
257 Helen7Monterey, CA
258 Tinky9Newport, RI

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