Measurers Corner

Measurer’s Interpretations and Recommendations

Question:The Class Rules indicate the jib battens are 2 inches wide - is this correct?
ID Number:000014
Short Answer:No 
Answer:This seems to be an error that has been carried forward in the various versions of Class Rules. The sentence should probably be the same as for the main battens: The maximum width of any batten is 2 inches. Replacing: All battens shall be 2 inches wide. 
Action Date:2008-07-29
Wed Jul 3 01:20:50 2024
2008-04-03Richard RobbinsThis was discussed with the technical committee and it was agreed that this has never been enforced as written and should be changed to conform with the rule for main battens: The maximum width of any batten is 2 inches.
2008-07-30Richard RobbinsAdopted by Governing Board July 29, 2008. See July, 2008 Version of Rules.