2008-02-28 | Charles Shoemaker | During the 2006 Nationals on Buzzards Bay and the 2007 Nationals in Newport, several of us experience taking a lot of water over the bow, both going upwind and downwind. Several have suggested the use of splashboards. We know the class ruled against Joe S, when he arrived at the regatta with splash boards, but many of us feel for safety reasons, splashboards should be reconsidered. |
2008-02-28 | HL Devore | A skipper should be allowed to take whatever prudent actions they deem necessary to save their boat from the potential of sinking. A temporary splashboard should be allowed so long as it is removed when the boat is on the mooring so as to preserve the aesthetic design of the Shields. That is my personal take on things and the position I would support at the National level. |
2008-04-03 | Richard Robbins | This was discussed by the Technical Committee (3/12/2008). There was no support for looking at this issue. The topic is tabled. |
2008-08-04 | Reed Baer | We need to watch out for substituting one problem for another.
I personally have enough trouble navigating the foredeck without having to worry about tripping over a splashboard and ending up overboard or cracking my head on something. Which would be a recurring issue each race if a splashboard were installed, versus the very infrequent benefit of splashboards when racing in high winds and high seas.