Measurers Corner

Measurer’s Interpretations and Recommendations

Question:May the floorboards be re-constructed from plywood?
ID Number:000010
Short Answer:Yes 
Answer:Class rules indicate "Floorboards shall be neither altered nor removed for racing". I would interpret this as that the floorboards may be re-constructed as long as they are of the same general size and weight and that marine plywood is acceptable. Especially forward there is wide variation in construction. 
Action Date:2008-07-09
Mon Jan 13 19:33:17 2025
2008-04-03Richard RobbinsThe technical committee discussed this (3/12/2008) and it was decided that plywood could be used forward of the kingpost (winch post) only. The following addition to Section IV-3.4 is proposed (with input from Cape Cod Shipbuilding): Floorboards aft of the kingpost (winch post) shall be made of solid wooden slats. This includes a section around the rudder post and two center sections. Floorboards forward of a line aft of the kingpost (winch post) may be made from solid wooden slats or plywood.
2008-04-17Richard RobbinsCurrent design (forward) from Cape Cod Shipbuilding.
2008-04-17Richard RobbinsCurrent design (rudder post) from Cape Cod Shipbuilding.
2008-07-30Richard RobbinsAdopted by Governing Board July 29, 2008. See July, 2008 Version of Rules.