Cox-Sprague Scoring

Current Standings 2023
Qualification = 15 Races

The 2023 Summer Twilight and Saturday series races will be used to determine the Fleet #10 champion. Score with background is included in championship score (qualified race). Score in [brackets] is discarded. Mouse-over score tool-tip is Cox-Sprague score / perfect score. Races are ranked according to number of starters and then by position. Each yacht's score is her top 15 ranked races as percentage of perfect. Percentage of perfect is the sum of Cox-Sprague scores divided by the sum of perfect scores for the selected races. See table of Cox-Sprague scores. Number of races to qualify is 50% of the total number of races but not less than 2 or greater than 15. Non-qualified yachts are ranked according to their number of races. Tie breakers not applied.
6-15 1[1] [DNF] [2]     
6-15 2[1] [DNF] [2]     
6-17 1[1] [3] [2]     
6-22 1[2][1]4 [3]     
6-22 2[1][4]2 [3]     
6-29 112543     
6-29 213425     
7-06 112345     
7-06 215243     
7-20 113245     
7-20 231452     
7-22 1[2][1]  [3]DNF    
7-29 1 [DNF]  [1]32   
8-03 1  13[4]2    
8-03 2  21[4]3    
8-05 1135472698 
8-05 2215743689 
8-05 3413 67285 
8-05 4415 6237  
8-05 5324 6157  
8-10 1[1] [4]2[3]     
8-10 2[1] [DNF]2[3]     
8-12 113  524   
8-12 212  354   
8-17 1[1][2] 3[4]     
8-17 2[2][1] [4][3]     
8-26 1 [1] [2][3]     
8-26 2 [1] [3][2]     
8-31 143 512    
8-31 214 532